Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Final Project - Due July 8th

Final Project - Animation & Motion Theory
Public Service Announcement
Public Service Announcement (100pts)
Due July 8th

For your final assignment you will create a 15 second PSA animated announcement using Adobe Flash. The project will incorporate elements that we have discussed during this course including character design, character animation and sound.

The student will create a story outline, storyboards, animatic and final .fla and movie to be turned into the class dropbox on the class server.

Students will choose from one of the subjects below:

  • Health and Wellness – Encourage people to exercise, eat a healthy diet, play sports, enjoy the outdoors, walk instead of driving, or otherwise lead a healthy, active lifestyle.
  • Environmental Support – Encourage people to recycle and re-use materials, reduce pollution, use cleaner energy, conserve wilderness, or contribute to saving endangered species.
  • Adopt a Shelter Pet – Encourage people to adopt a pet from an animal shelter, or to donate to an animal-related cause.
  • Party Responsibly – Encourage people to be responsible about partying: don’t drink and drive, set up a designated driver, or be aware of their limits.

Part 1: Final Project – Rough Storyboards:
Due Juneth

Create two rough storyboards detailing out two different ideas for the scenes of your Final Project: a 15-second animated Public Service Announcement.

• Create sketches to show what is happening in the different scenes. Sketches can be rough, but they should clearly show what is happening in that scene. Next to each sketch, include a description of the scene: include the dialogue, narration, or typography.

• Show the action and movement in each scene: use arrows to show which direction the characters or objects will move. Consider using zoom effects or camera moves. Use arrows to show what direction the camera will move.

• Convey a Public Service message: your message should inform the public about what they can do to improve the world. The message should be something simple that can be represented in 15 seconds.

  • Student will pitch their story and basic storyboards to be critique by me

Part 2: Analyzing Public Service Announcements:

• Find 3 Public Service Announcements that you think are effective and interesting.
• Create a word document with links to each PSA, and a short description and analysis of each. Answer the following:
o What was your first reaction to this PSA? Did it make you angry or upset? Did it make you laugh? What emotional message is getting through?
o What aspects of the PSA make it effective, and why? Consider artwork, graphics, imagery, camera work, narration, dialogue, typography, music, sound effects, style, etc.

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